Jungle Vivillon region

This is the Jungle region of the Vivillon pattern database. Here you can find all the codes for the Jungle region.


# Code Country Vivillon  
1 6320 7983 2197
12 hours ago
pe JG Copy as text
2 0061 5465 4286
14 hours ago
br JG Copy as text
3 5683 4188 8689
sg JG Copy as text
4 1696 2141 3600
cr JG Copy as text
5 6653 4082 3931
br JG Copy as text
6 6669 1720 4155
co JG Copy as text
7 9807 1084 8244
co JG Copy as text
8 3168 6677 1037
2 days ago
sg JG Copy as text
9 6625 5484 4081
3 days ago
br JG Copy as text
10 5141 8698 5918
3 days ago
pa JG Copy as text
11 0019 5587 9847
4 days ago
br JG Copy as text
12 1692 3460 7420
4 days ago
pa JG Copy as text
13 0259 4004 4946
4 days ago
br JG Copy as text
14 8852 2976 8666
4 days ago
co JG Copy as text
15 9720 8259 9822
5 days ago
co JG Copy as text
16 3669 1282 3020
5 days ago
co JG Copy as text
17 9741 3557 0350
6 days ago
pa JG Copy as text
18 5150 5409 6362
6 days ago
cr JG Copy as text
19 1597 4527 7701
6 days ago
sg JG Copy as text
20 9292 2941 6337
6 days ago
sg JG Copy as text

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This pattern features green wings with large white spots. The pattern resembles a lush jungle full of foliage and wildlife, and the green color represents growth and vitality.