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# Kod Państwo Vivillon  
981 8700 7993 0591
2 days ago
- Kopiuj
982 6747 6919 5795
2 days ago
- Kopiuj
983 9267 7811 9164
2 days ago
fr MW Kopiuj
984 5750 8463 5786
2 days ago
- Kopiuj
985 9576 1811 0658
2 days ago
gb GD Kopiuj
986 0145 3893 6698
2 days ago
cz CN Kopiuj
987 0397 1726 8691
2 days ago
pl CN Kopiuj
988 7627 5435 1146
2 days ago
hr MR Kopiuj
989 4715 6222 0988
2 days ago
hr MR Kopiuj
990 3594 2770 1352
2 days ago
ua Kopiuj
991 3902 3150 5602
2 days ago
de CN Kopiuj
992 5599 5037 4721
2 days ago
fr MW Kopiuj
993 6785 9012 6142
2 days ago
- Kopiuj
994 1073 9459 1028
2 days ago
- Kopiuj
995 7331 2674 2854
2 days ago
ch MW Kopiuj
996 7672 5423 4464
2 days ago
de CN Kopiuj
997 1285 7977 8256
2 days ago
- Kopiuj
998 4131 2529 2669
2 days ago
it MR Kopiuj
999 7559 8794 3119
2 days ago
- Kopiuj
1000 1224 5642 5380
2 days ago
- Kopiuj


# Kod Państwo Vivillon  
981 6026 2700 9624
16 days ago
it MW Kopiuj
982 9706 8597 1141
16 days ago
- Kopiuj
983 4826 2336 0838
16 days ago
- Kopiuj
984 3111 8774 0195
17 days ago
br SV Kopiuj
985 9048 7548 3563
17 days ago
- Kopiuj
986 0163 6064 3065
17 days ago
- Kopiuj
987 0331 4000 0324
17 days ago
fr MW Kopiuj
988 8691 2486 6721
18 days ago
- Kopiuj
989 2111 6858 8047
19 days ago
fr MR Kopiuj
990 8423 7185 5328
19 days ago
- Kopiuj
991 7528 3423 6532
19 days ago
it MR Kopiuj
992 9246 5258 5921
20 days ago
rs MR Kopiuj
993 3780 3295 1859
20 days ago
- Kopiuj
994 8397 1693 4737
20 days ago
ch MW Kopiuj
995 7390 6758 7762
20 days ago
- Kopiuj
996 9452 0585 4596
21 days ago
- Kopiuj
997 8971 6721 0208
21 days ago
gb GD Kopiuj
998 8741 3102 9857
21 days ago
- Kopiuj
999 2670 2026 6787
21 days ago
- Kopiuj
1000 2627 6852 4342
21 days ago
- Kopiuj

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Friends in Pokemon GO

There are many different reasons for playing Pokémon-GO such as catching Pokémons and battleing in gyms. However there is one thing we’d like to focus on - Friends.

Why is it important to have friends?

1. To fulfill some quests

Special research - A ripple in time
part task
Make 3 new friends
4/8 Send 20 gifts to friends
5/8 Trade a Pokemon

2. To fight together in Gyms and Raids

You gain special bonuses based on level of friendship described below.

3. To send gifts to your friends such as pokéballs, stardust and fruits

4. To trade pokémons

The advantages of having friends

  • Level 0 - you can send gifts
  • Level 1 GOOD FRIENDS - you can trade pokémons, except mythical pokémons
  • Level 2 GREAT FRIENDS - Stardust is discounted during trading; Attack bonus increases at the gym/raid battle; + 1 ball in the Raid bonus
  • Level 3 ULTRA FRIENDS - Stardust is more discounted during trading; Attack bonus increases more at the gym/raid battle; + 2 balls in the Raid bonus
  • Level 4 BEST FRIENDS - Stardust is at the maximum discount; Attack bonus is at the maximum level at the gym/raid battle; + 4 balls in the Raid bonus